Category Archives: Volunteering

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July Updates

We have had a busy few weeks here at the Princess Alli Foundation!  Here are our July Updates! We applied for, and received, our 501(c)(3) public charity status at the end of June.  With our determination letter in-hand we have been able to begin working on grants for different projects on our dream list!  We will continue looking for new funding opportunities this summer. We have been busy preparing for the Olivet Firefighters Association’s Annual Fireman’s Festival, which is Friday July 24 and Saturday, July 25.  We will have a booth set up (our first!) downtown on Saturday with snacks and a few fundraiser items for sale.  We will also […]

Vendors are Needed for our Holiday Care Package Campaign

VENDORS ARE NEEDED FOR OUR HOLIDAY CARE PACKAGE CAMPAIGN The Princess Alli Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity based out of Olivet, MI. We bring care packages with food and toiletry items to the families of inpatient children at Sparrow Hospital in memory of Allison Ruth Russcher. Being inpatient during the holidays can be very hard on families. This year, the Princess Alli Foundation would like to make sure pediatric families at Sparrow receive extra special care packages with food, toiletries, and small treats to help brighten their spirits. We are looking for local organizations, Artisans, and business owners that can help us bring the holidays to the hospital for […]

Help Us Bring the Holidays to the Hospital

This year, the Princess Alli Foundation wants to bring the holidays to the hospital through a Holiday Care Package Campaign! {Click Here for a printable flyer} Having an inpatient child is very hard. Being inpatient over the holidays is even harder. This year, we would like to provide care packages to Sparrow Hospital families for the entire Thanksgiving weekend and all of Christmas Week – ELEVEN DAYS TOTAL! We’d like these care packages to be extra special to help bring the holidays to the hospital for these families. We will be providing warm food choices, festive treats, and small gifts in all care packages. We are looking for families, groups, […]