Thank you for visiting the Princess Alli Foundation! Here’s what is happening in August. Please let us know if you would like to get involved!
- We will be continuing to look for sponsors for our Holiday Care Package Campaign! We have had sponsors step forward for three of the eleven days we would like to provide extra special care packages to Sparrow families this Thanksgiving and Christmas. Please help us spread the word by downloading our flyer and sharing it with your family, friends, co-workers and small group members! It is our goal to have TWO new holiday sponsors by the end of August! We can do it!
- We will also continue our search for Holiday food and craft vendors for our families. More info on this need can be found HERE!
- Our dream is to expand our care package offerings at Sparrow Hospital to two or three days per week by the end of 2015. We are so thankful that, because of our generous friends and families, we have been able to complete our once-weekly deliveries without fail. Our August goal is to clearly-define what it would take to increase to twice-per-week support and put a plan in place to make that happen by the end of the summer!
- We will continue working on grants that will make us eligible for corporate sponsorships. If your company includes services supporting local families and children in their corporate giving programs please let us know how we can apply!
We’re looking for booth opportunities for late summer / early fall! Have an event in mind for us? Please use the comment section below, or Contact Us Here to give us details! Thank you for helping to spread the word about the Princess Alli Foundation!