June 12, 2016 – Art Van Charity Challenge Update
Hello friends!
There is just over a week left of the 2016 Art Van Charity Challenge and we are just about 50% of the way to our fundraising goal!
THANK YOU to everyone that has donated, LIKED, or SHARED our posts and updates during the challenge. We appreciate your help spreading the word about the Challenge and our mission to support the families of children with illnesses in memory of our sweet Allison Ruth!
We have been super busy planning an EXPANSION of our Care Package Project to Hurley Medical Center in Flint (in honor of all of our AMAZING sponsors on the East side of the State!), as well as C.S. Motts Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor and Bronson Children’s Center in Kalamazoo.
YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS have made this possible, and we could not thank you enough!
View the newsletter update HERE (and don’t forget to share it with your friends!): http://us13.campaign-archive2.com/?u=f657975d3ae012d95dbf39be5&id=eee6d2753c