Hello friends! Here are our November 2015 Updates.
- We delivered our 1000th care package to Sparrow Hospital on October 21! We were so excited to hit this milestone, and so very thankful for your help <3 Here’s to the next 1000!
- Holiday Care Package Campaign Update! We are excited to have 11 days sponsored – four days over Thanksgiving weekend and 7 days leading up to Christmas week! We have been busy shopping to get everything ready for Thanksgiving! Thank you soo much for your help!
- We will be wrapping up our Yankee Candle fundraiser at the end of November! The Yankee Candle Company will give the Princess Alli Foundation 40% of all sales through our fundraiser! Get more information HERE.
- Our online Origami Owl jewelry party is also wrapping up this month! If you haven’t placed your order yet please be sure to do so by November 30! The proceeds from your purchase will be generously donated back to the Princess Alli Foundation! Check out our Facebook Page for more information.
- This month we will continue working on grants that will make us eligible for corporate sponsorships. If your company includes services supporting local families and children in their corporate giving programs please let us know how we can apply!
- DeVos Update: We are excited to be working on details for our DeVos Care Package Project, which we hope to begin early 2016! Stay tuned for details on our Dough for DeVos Pizza Fundraiser, which we will be launching in January! VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: If you are interested in sharing our fundraiser with your work or other group please contact us for more information!
- Black Friday Shoppers! Just a friendly reminder to shop SMILE.AMAZON.COM to have a portion of your purchase price donated to the Princess Alli Foundation! Click here to set Princess Alli Foundation as your charity of choice:https://smile.amazon.com/ch/47-3846517
When you shop SMILE.AMAZON.COM you will see our name under your search bar!
We’re looking for booth opportunities for winter and spring 2016! Have an event in mind for us? Please use the comment section below, or Contact Us Here to give us details!
Thank you for helping to spread the word about the Princess Alli Foundation!