Here’s What is Happening in August
Thank you for visiting the Princess Alli Foundation! Here’s what is happening in August. Please let us know if you would like to get involved! We will be continuing to look for sponsors for our Holiday Care Package Campaign! We have had sponsors step forward for three of the eleven days we would like to provide extra special care packages to Sparrow families this Thanksgiving and Christmas. Please help us spread the word by downloading our flyer and sharing it with your family, friends, co-workers and small group members! It is our goal to have TWO new holiday sponsors by the end of August! We can do it! We will also continue our […]
Six Months in Heaven
Today is a very emotional day for us – as of today our beautiful Allison Ruth has spent six months in Heaven. It has been a hard six months, and compared to the ten short months we had her with us it seems to have been unusually long. We miss her. We miss her sweet smile, her beautiful eyes, and her giggles. We miss her cuddles and her kisses. We miss how much she loved and cared for people. We are so heartbroken to have lost her. But we are soo proud! Proud of who she was and who she taught us to be. Proud of how she inspired us to begin […]
2015 Olivet Fireman’s Festival
The Princess Alli Foundation had an amazing time at the 2015 Olivet Fireman’s Festival! Our goal for participating in this year’s festival was to raise awareness of our mission to support the families of children with illnesses in memory of Allison Ruth Russcher. We were able to do so much more than that! We are excited to announce that the generous people of Olivet helped us raise enough money to sponsor another day for our Holiday Care Package Campaign! We are ecstatic to be one day closer to our goal of providing ELEVEN DAYS of extra-special holiday care packages to the families with inpatient children over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays! THANK YOU […]
July Updates
We have had a busy few weeks here at the Princess Alli Foundation! Here are our July Updates! We applied for, and received, our 501(c)(3) public charity status at the end of June. With our determination letter in-hand we have been able to begin working on grants for different projects on our dream list! We will continue looking for new funding opportunities this summer. We have been busy preparing for the Olivet Firefighters Association’s Annual Fireman’s Festival, which is Friday July 24 and Saturday, July 25. We will have a booth set up (our first!) downtown on Saturday with snacks and a few fundraiser items for sale. We will also […]
Vendors are Needed for our Holiday Care Package Campaign
VENDORS ARE NEEDED FOR OUR HOLIDAY CARE PACKAGE CAMPAIGN The Princess Alli Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity based out of Olivet, MI. We bring care packages with food and toiletry items to the families of inpatient children at Sparrow Hospital in memory of Allison Ruth Russcher. Being inpatient during the holidays can be very hard on families. This year, the Princess Alli Foundation would like to make sure pediatric families at Sparrow receive extra special care packages with food, toiletries, and small treats to help brighten their spirits. We are looking for local organizations, Artisans, and business owners that can help us bring the holidays to the hospital for […]
Progress! The First Two Months
The Princess Alli Foundation has made great progress in the first two months since it was formed! Here’s an recap of what we’ve been up to: On May 26, 2015 our Articles of Incorporation were accepted and filed by the State of Michigan, making the Princess Alli Foundation a registered nonprofit corporation. In June we held our first official Board Meeting as a corporation and adopted our Bylaws and put our operational procedures in place. This was a HUGE step towards our 501(c)(3) public charity classification. We’ve spent countless hours DREAMING BIG – there are so many things we want to do to help the families of children with illnesses in […]
Help Us Bring the Holidays to the Hospital
This year, the Princess Alli Foundation wants to bring the holidays to the hospital through a Holiday Care Package Campaign! {Click Here for a printable flyer} Having an inpatient child is very hard. Being inpatient over the holidays is even harder. This year, we would like to provide care packages to Sparrow Hospital families for the entire Thanksgiving weekend and all of Christmas Week – ELEVEN DAYS TOTAL! We’d like these care packages to be extra special to help bring the holidays to the hospital for these families. We will be providing warm food choices, festive treats, and small gifts in all care packages. We are looking for families, groups, […]
The Life My Daughter Gave Me
The life my daughter gave me is one that I had been dreaming about for as long as I can remember. I had always wanted to do something to make a difference. As a young girl, I wanted to be a doctor to help people. In High School, the thought of being a lawyer focusing on women’s issues was intriguing to me. In College, I wanted to work with a nonprofit and change the world. Life doesn’t always go according to plan – especially plans made in Elementary School. I settled for a good job, my High School sweetheart, a comfortable life, a wonderful church family where we could volunteer. […]
Legacy of Love
Our daughter, Allison Russcher, passed away on January 29, 2015 at the age of ten months. In her short life, she spent almost 14 weeks inpatient between Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, MI and Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital in Grand Rapids, MI. In those weeks I learned first-hand how hard it is to be at the hospital day and night to take care of a sick child while also taking care of myself. It wasn’t uncommon to not be able to leave the bedside for adequate meals, a shower, or to wash laundry. Services provided by charities like the Ronald McDonald House were not options for me because Allison needed me to stay […]
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