3000th Care Package
It’s a HUGE DAY at Princess Alli Foundation! Today we delivered our 3000th Care Package! We are completely humbled by the amount of support we have received for our Care Package Project, and so so very thankful! We truly couldn’t have hit this milestone without each and every one of you coming along side us! Here’s to 3000 more!
We’re Partnering With The Mighty!
We’re thrilled to announce a new partnership that will bring our resources in front of The Mighty‘s wide-reaching readership. We will now have a growing home page on The Mighty and appear on many stories on the site. The Mighty is a story-based health community focused on improving the lives of people facing disease, disorder, mental illness and disability (Here’s an example of the kind of stories on The Mighty: What Nobody Tells You About Self-Care). More than half of Americans are facing serious health conditions or medical issues. They want more than information. They want to be inspired. The Mighty publishes real stories about real people facing real […]
Welcome HURLEY Families to our Care Package Program
Princess Alli Foundation is excited for the opportunity to partner with Hurley Medical Center to provide Toiletry Care Packages to families at their Children’s Hospital! Our first care package delivery was made on July 9, 2016! Generous donations from the communities of Flint and Flushings, including families at Flushings United Methodist Church, have made this expansion possible! Our goal is to create a sustainable program that will allow us to provide toiletry care packages to families with children at the hospital that may have arrived with little or no personal belongings. We are in need of the following sample/trial size items for our toiletry bags: Shampoo Conditioner Body Wash or Bar Soap Toothbrushes Toothpaste Dental Floss Deodorant Face/Makeup Wipes […]
Bronson Children’s Hospital
We were excited to make our first Toiletry Care Package delivery to Bronson Children’s Hospital in Kalamazoo, MI today! Thanks to generous donations from our friends in the greater Marshall/Battle Creek area, we will be able to provide support to families in South West Michigan and Northern Indiana through this new partnership with Bronson Methodist Hospital! We couldn’t do it without you! We will begin by bringing 30 Care Packages a month to the hospital at an approximate cost of $40, but the need is MUCH GREATER! We will need additional partners to join our team to meet the hospital’s demand. Click Here If you would like to give to our […]
THANK YOU! 2016 Art Van Charity Challenge Recap
THANK YOU to our amazing donors, Facebook LIKE-ers and SHARE-ers, and those that offered us prayers and encouragement during the 2016 Charity Challenge! We were able to raise $1,161 in donations PLUS won an additional $100 in prize money from Art Van over the last 6 weeks for a grand total of $1,261! These funds will be used to expand our toiletry care package project to Bronson Hospital in Kalamazoo, Hurley Medical Center in Flint, and C.S. Motts in Ann Arbor and will provide almost ONE THOUSAND TOILETRY CARE PACKAGES! If you were unable to donate during the Challenge but would like to support our Sparrow Food Care Package Project or our Toiletry […]
2016 Sparrow Children’s Miracle Network Telethon
We were proud to volunteer at the 2016 Sparrow Children’s Miracle Network Telethon, which was held on June 3rd and 4th at the Sparrow Professional Building in Lansing, MI. This was our 2nd year being a part of the Telethon! Here are a few pictures from the event: The Telethon was a huge success, raising over $868,000 for Sparrow’s Children Center! Great work everyone!
MUMC – Missions Cafe
THANK YOU! To the Youth and Congregation of Marshall United Methodist Church in Marshall, MI! This past Sunday the Youth Group opened their “Mission Cafe” and offered snacks and drinks by donation with the proceeds benefiting Princess Alli Foundation! Their efforts not only raised enough funds to purchase our first Holiday Care Package Sponsorship, but also provide more than three weeks of food and toiletry care packages to Sparrow Health System! In addition to fundraising, the Junior High Youth made “Busy Bags” full of kids activities for our inpatient friends. Thank you for helping us support the families of children with illnesses! There are still several sponsorship […]
2016 Holiday Care Package Project
We are excited to announce the launch of our 2016 Holiday Care Package Project! Our 2015 Project was a huge success, and we are excited for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of families this holiday season as well! We are looking for sponsors for 11 days of care packages ($100 for a full sponsorship, or $50 for a half sponsorship). We are also looking for crafters to make and donate small gifts for the caregivers to help make the holidays more comfortable for them. Please click HERE for more information.
Happy Anniversary Princess Alli Foundation
After Alli passed away in January 2015 we knew that we needed to find a way to honor her memory and help other families that were fighting for their sick children. It was one year ago this week that I presented the idea of a memorial foundation for our sweet daughter to a small group of friends and family, and we set in motion plans to begin bringing care packages to Sparrow Health System just a couple of short weeks later. We are quickly approaching the first week of May and the anniversary of that first delivery and plan to celebrate it with the delivery of our 2,500th care package! I can […]
PRESS RELEASE: Princess Alli Foundation to deliver 160 care packages to Sparrow Hospital this Thanksgiving
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Princess Alli Foundation to deliver 160 care packages to Sparrow Hospital this Thanksgiving Lansing, MI – Princess Alli Foundation will be providing care packages to 160 pediatric families at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, MI this Thanksgiving weekend. Each care package will provide much-needed food and toiletry items to caregivers, which typically includes one or both of the parents of the patient, to ensure their basic nutrition and hygiene needs are met. Says Melanie Russcher, Founder and CEO of Princess Alli Foundation: “It is not uncommon for caregivers to remain at the bedside of their child for the duration of their hospital stay, more often than not missing […]
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