WE DID IT! We just completed Round 1 of our 50 States Challenge!
Welcome OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Oregon, St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital in Idaho, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles AND Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego in California, UMC Children’s Hospital in Nevada, Primary Children’s Hospital in Utah, and Phoenix Children’s Hospital in Arizona. We’re excited to be able to provide services to your families. <3
THANK YOU to everyone who has donated towards this Challenge or helped us pack the 2,500 toiletry bags needed to ship to all of these new hospitals. We couldn’t have done this without you <3
We are excited to switch gears and focus on our Holiday Care Package Project for the next couple of months. Stay tuned for info on Round 2 of our 50 States Challenge in early 2019!
Join our mailing list: http://eepurl.com/b1R0OP
#50stateschallenge #PrincessAlliFoundation #LegacyofLove #hospital#nonprofit #giveback #thankyou #hospitallife